Just don't let them get too close and you will have no need for it. So for me, wrestling was a big waste of 100 points on that particular character. If they were more interested in the monsters than me then I would stay (not a noto pk) If they precast and run at me I am gone (hitting recall macro). If I see a blue I would 'chill' about a screen away to see how they acted. Any time I see a red name I will hit the recall macro b4 they can even cast, get a precast off, or get anywhere close to physically hit me. I was never using wrestling but needed the resist for casting monsters and animals when taming. I got rid of my tamer bard's wrestling along time ago in favor of resist. Just use a recall macro you have pre recorded to a rune and you should not ever be PKed anymore unless you are not paying attention or are too slow at hitting the macro. Having hiding is silly because all Pks have to do is use the reveal spell. You could always GM wrestling and drop it later if you feel you are not using the skill.